The burden of proof lays the other way around.
by Tom
(New York)
It is not up to the creationists to disprove evolution; it is up to the evolutionists to prove their belief to be true, and they can't. Evolution is a theory which secularists dishonestly present as being irrefutable fact. If the Bible account of creation is unwelcome in public schools on the basis that it is a faith, then evolution should also be unwelcome on the same basis. It is a faith which is passed off as science. Teach evolution within the confines of a philosphy class if you wish, but to teach it in a science class is dishonest.
Believing that the Lord Jesus Christ is God, and believing in evolution at the same time is a mighty difficult trick to pull off. All scripture is inspired by God. Jesus is the Word made flesh. God cannot lie, therefore He cannot have inspired a creation account which is a lie. So how does one claim to believe that Jesus is Lord, while at the same time believing that He allowed a fable (a lie) to be included in His Word?
And how does one account for the existence of sin and death in the world if it did not enter through the one man Adam? Did God create men as sinners in the first place? Or is sin and evil not real? Then why did the Lord Jesus die on the cross, if sin and it's consequences aren't real and serious?
And why does God allow the apostle Paul to give such emphasis in Romans 5 to the position of lost men as being "in Adam?" If Adam wasn't real, then the position of being "in Adam" must also be not real. Then it follows that our new position "in Christ" must also be not real.
See how difficult it becomes to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible and believe in evolution at the same time?
It's also pretty distasteful that you feel so free to accuse creationists of being liars. Don't look now sir, but you are calling God a liar by saying that His account of the origin of the universe isn't true.