Now I believe

After reading your site through, I now really do believe that the Bible is not true. You have shown that even as a believer, you believet the Bible has many inconsistencies and errors. I see that you say you believe in Jesus, but is it really true about him too? Sounds like a bunch of nice stories to me with no basis in reality. I have some great points for arguments with my believer friends now to prove that their faith is just based on myths. Thank you!

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Sep 21, 2013
Sarcasm & Truth
by: Paul Pavao (Webmaster)

I like sarcasm; it can present an argument in such a way that it's easy to understand.

Your sarcasm, however, is a complaint, not an argument. Lots of people don't like where truth leads. Not me. I believe it is wise to deal with truth rather than what we wish were true.

Just yesterday I read an article about scientists reproducing the leap from single cells to multicellular life in the lab. It's here:

If the evidence for evolution was strong when I started this web site, it is much stronger now.

If your friends have no power to show you from their faith in Jesus, then their faith wasn't worth much even if evolution were not true. It is true, however, and it's also true that Jesus is the Truth. Those of us who experience the power of knowing Jesus as the truth are not troubled by evolution, nor are we troubled by complaints about what is true from those that are not used to dealing with truth.

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