The theory of evolution is an Idea that cant be proven, Yet you want proof of God?

by Troy B.
(Palm Springs Ca.)

Adaptation, Ok. Evolution, poppycock! Million year old Sharks are still sharks, alligators still alligators, Monkeys, monkeys. The missing link missing because there isn't one!99.9% of all species cannot crossbreed & if they do, their offspring cannot. Mutations are never for the better and very seldom survive and to think of mutations evolving into higher life forms and eventually human beings is some stretch! DNA proves no link between apes and humans, Period! The "Its close" argument would be thrown out of any court in this nation. Contained within the wolf's DNA is the possibility of different variations of dogs but they haven't "evolved" into anything. Their STILL DOGS! Creation requires a creator. So which came first evolutionist? The chicken or the egg. Very simply, the Chicken since eggs are their form of RE-production. The same applies to the sperm & the egg and all living things which, by the way, continue to RE-produce after their own kind! Alligators still alligators, sharks still sharks, monkeys still monkeys. And God created every living thing period, and the design (DNA) is built in. It didn't come from the outside in, it comes from the inside out. You don't need to see God, His work is staring us in the face. I see a Cadillac across the street. It doesn't take a rocket scientist (no Offence to any rocket scientist) to know someone designed it, built it, and put it together! There it is, staring me in the face......P.s I wish it was mine. LOL

Comments for The theory of evolution is an Idea that cant be proven, Yet you want proof of God?

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Mar 31, 2013
You proved my point
by: Troy B.

The nylon Bug. You said it yourself. There may have been oodles of them in the distant past and now thrive on a food source they enjoy which by the way was designed, built, & put together by a higher life form! They may have adapted their diet but their is no proof they evolved from anything! As for the rest, God who created the heavens and the earth would be intelligent enough to know white foxes would survive better in the snow. LOL.(sorry)Here is a question for you. If all humans are descended from Adam & Eve as the Bible suggest, wouldn't we all be the same Race? How does one account for the White, Black, Red, Yellow, & Brown Races? Here's a clue. Wolves. Got it yet? Are you aware that science has found that the human body contains all of the elements found on earth? The same elements found in the heavens & stars (and not because I ate dirt as a child)It comes from the inside out! Not the outside in. Well, God said he created Adam & Eve from the dust of the earth Eve from Adams rib. There is only 5 colors of earth on this planet. White, Black, Red, yellow & Brown!!! Contained within their DNA is the ability for the different races just as within the DNA of the wolf, the different variations of dogs. Humans are humans, dogs are still dogs. Now if a green human that barks is ever born, I will give evolution a second look..

Mar 29, 2013
The Good, the Bad, and the Mutation
by: Thomas Robertson

### Mutations are never for the better . . .

Mutations do not seem to be the exclusive province of either God or Satan. We judge mutations according to the environment of the organism.

Ever heard of the "nylon bug"? That's a microbe which thrives on nylon. This little critter came into being because its recent ancestors happened to mutate at the right time and the right place. There may have been oodlums of nylon bugs born in the distant past, but they didn't do so well because there wasn't any nylon upon which to feast.

The principle applies across the board. White fur is good for surviving in the arctic but bad for surviving in the forest. Light skin is good for surviving in Europe but bad for surviving in Africa.

### and very seldom survive . . .

If you're running for office, you have to please more people than you displease.

However, if you want a date for Saturday night, you only have to please one person. It doesn't matter if all the other girls in town think you're a creep. If that one person likes you, you got yourself a date.

Mutations operate the second way. I'm sorry about the organisms which have been born with harmful mutations, but they don't affect those which are born with favorable mutations.

### and to think of mutations evolving into higher life forms . . .

I agree with you that it should be called adaptation rather than evolution. There are no higher and lower life forms. Rather, there are different life forms which can survive better in different settings.

### and eventually human beings is some stretch!

The word evolution evolves that we are climbing Darwin's ladder. We're not. At least, I hope we're not. If we are, then all the plants will eventually change to animals, all the fish to amphibians, all the amphibians to reptiles, all the reptiles to mammals, all the mammals, all the mammals to primates, and all the primates to humans.

We will all have to resort to cannibalism because there will be nothing else left to eat.

Mar 29, 2013
Designed or evolved?
by: Thomas Robertson

》》》I see a Cadillac across the street. It doesn't take a rocket scientist (no Offence to any rocket scientist) to know someone designed it, built it, and put it together!

What if automobiles had ropes to attach to hitching posts? What is CD players had arms for phonograph needles? What if computer typewriters had spools for ink ribbons? I would say that machines were evolved rather than designed.

On the other hand, organisms carry parts left over from yesteryear. Whales have leg bones, ostriches have claws, and birds carry junk DNA which enables them to grow teeth. That's why I say that organisms were evolved rather than designed.

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